Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mommy's Makeup

Sooo, I know it has been quite a while since I last posted a blog... So hey, now I'll post a couple of them right in a row! Good stuff eh? Hope you like the reading material.

Saturdays have been kind of my day to spend time with Korbin. Typically Mary works that day from 3-11, so I get that time to hang out with him and bond. It really is a fun time....recently, we have kind of carried on a tradition my mom has about "pizza/movie night" and we buy pizza/cinnamon sticks from a local pizza place and then watch some TV or a movie together.

So a couple of weeks ago, I was on the computer and Korbin was playing downstairs (or so I thought) and he peeked around the corner....and this is what I saw....

I guess he found Mary's mascara...lol....that will teach Us to keep everything out of his reach...
I swear we'll do better at keeping him out of stuff that makes a mess....lol

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